La Femme Theatre Productions, Inc., is a tax exempt organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (effective August 5, 2015).
All donations support La Femme Theatre Productions, Inc. and are tax exempt to the fullest extent under the law. La Femme Theatre Productions, Inc. is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts.
We at La Femme Theatre Productions are eternally grateful for our Archangel Donor Robert Dohmen, who has contributed so much of his time and resources to us over the years and continues to sustain our growth and programming.
We are also thankful for the support of the following Angel Donors:
Seth Beaugh
Bette Fried
James Grubbs
Beth Hyde-Hood
Jessica Maloney
Mark Thornbury
Stephen Zorn
David Handelman
Carolyn Radlo
Charles Clark
Lisa Goodman
Maxwell Farnham
Janet Myers
Deirdre Sinnott
Mary VanDevanter
Larry Bull
Joshua Hoffman
Donna Keenan
Stephan Pullan
John Schneider
Mary Powers Walker
Stephen and Juanita Csontos
Deborah Geltman
Carol Giles
Heather Hallett
Donald Lichty